The MR-01 rail head lubrication system features the “Top of Rail” technology. This version is intended for mobile use to control the adhesion during the vehicle ride according to the current conditions, i.e. the on-board system. The system is designed to reduce the noise level along track sections with high acoustic emission. At the same time, it significantly decreases the wear of rails, which extends the interval between downtimes necessary for rail replacement. The lubricant used here is a NLG-00 or NLGI‑000 viscosity class friction modifier keeping the friction coefficient at levels that maintain the traction and braking performance.
The device employs the principle of spraying the friction modifier/compressed air mixture on the contact surface of the rail head and tram wheels. The modifier/air mixture is prepared in the lubrication unit and brought to the rail-vehicle bogie where it is distributed by a mixture divider and applied to the rail head by a pair of nozzles. The pressured air is supplied by a compressor unit. The lubrication system features a circuit blow-cleaning function for cases of longer vehicle down-times. The lubrication cycle is controlled by control signals from the vehicle’s master control system. It is recommended to use the GPS signal with on-board systems for accurate navigation on the track and for track shape and inclination prediction as it increases the efficiency of the device and decreases the friction modifier consumption.
Top of rail lubrication MR-01 consists of a lubrication unit located in the vehicle interior, a compressor unit, and a lubrication mixture divider with the lubricant distribution system and nozzles located on the vehicle bogie. The device is designed as a modular one and may thus be integrated into various types of vehicles.